
Showing posts from September, 2018

Exploring Portraiture

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Humans of CV

In this project we got paired with someone in the class that we didn't know. We had to ask them very personal questions and picked out what we thought was the best things they said that relate to them. Than we had to figure out different setting to take the pictures that resemble out partner. Once we got to our destination we chose different poses that we thought fit well. The main focus on this project is to capture good pictures that reflect on your partners quotes. Overall I thought this project was very unique and different. I liked meeting someone new and getting to know really deep parts of their lives. I would definitely do it again.  Google Album

Humans of New York

Humans of New York After investigating Humans of New York, I have learned that a man named Brandon Staton started taking pictures of random people in 2010, his goal was to get 10,0000 pictures in New York. He took peoples pictures for awhile but than started sitting down with them and asking questions about their lives. He started posting the pictures only on facebook but he became very popular and made his own website and wrote a book. I think this project was very interesting and I could never do it myself because I am a very shy person. Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 3 places in school  1. Bio pond because I love nature 2. by flowers because I love looking at pretty things 3. The parking lot because I love my car