Metropolis Summarizer

  • What is the Mediator?

I believe that the mediator is the conflict between the upper class and the lower class. 

  •  Is Fritz Lang trying to influence his audience? 

Yes, he is trying to show that the upper and lower classes should learn to be treated the same way. He's trying to make the audience realize that the upper class always gets what they want and the lower class is always controlled by the upper half.

  •  Is he advocating for Capitalism? Communism?  Fascism? 
Im not sure what all of those fully mean but I looked up the definitions of them and I believe its communism. The definition of communism is a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs

Here are a couple films that where influenced by metropolis, The Matrix; the videos for Madonna's "Express Yourself," Whitney Houston's "Queen of the Night," and several Lady Gaga songs; Brazil; the futuristic cities of Blade RunnerDark CityThe Hudsucker Proxy, and Tim Burton's Batman films; and the wild-haired "mad scientists" of countless movies. 
